Hone your hunch.
Crush your launch.

Validate your business idea, nail a killer message, and prove your go-to-market concept will sell - without the bloated BS of traditional research approaches.


Most clients need LESS research than they think!

When you’re passionate about a new business concept, at some point you’ll start to worry you might be missing something.

You might think you need to jump into a bunch of research to test and validate.  In fact, that's exactly what most big companies do: use a “cover-your-ass research” approach based on a misguided belief that the research itself will magically guide a successful launch … It won’t.


From 20 years of testing ideas and studying launches…

We know one thing for sure. Traditional approaches for testing new ideas and validating concepts are notorious for missing seemingly small signals, and when you miss the little signals? You are missing something BIG.


Hunch cuts through the bloated BS of standard message design and concept testing to help innovators know without a doubt they’ve nailed an alluring offer destined for success.

Our proprietary process uses a vibe-led research approach—in tandem with the founder or innovator’s own instinctive understanding of their ideal customer—to shape and launch new ideas.

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Want that Nailed It! feeling before going ALL IN on a new product, messaging, or campaign concept? Let’s chat!

“Hunch's Vibe-led testing approach is truly one-of-a kind. Their AI-powered analysis gets us rich qualitative insights at quantitative scale. But Hunch’s true special sauce is their consultative approach right from the start. Their specialized expertise and fresh eyes guarantee that we show the right kind of stimuli to consumers in order to get their true reaction to our new ideas, which gives us such valuable insight at every stage of development. I’d bring in Hunch as as early as possible when innovating!”

— Lauren Kemp

McDonald's USA
Senior Manager, Consumer Insights