What 3 Craft Beers Can Teach Us About Crafting An Alluring Vibe

Nailing an alluring vibe starts and ends with one thing:

Message Clarity 

A clear message will beat clever, every time (even in craft beer where it's a race to be the most quirky, clever, and twee-mustache friendly!) 

Picture this: 

It's a sunny summer morning. You're about to head out for a weekend of camping and boating with friends. You've made a quick stop to pick up some beer and load up the cooler.  

Now, if you're like me (and 46% of craft beer drinkers) you head straight to the IPAs.   

But juuusst as you reach for your go-to (BrewDog's Elvis Juice anyone?) you pause. Elvis Juice is great, but it has a high alcohol content and you don’t want to be toasted by 1pm and not able to enjoy the full day of fun.

You briefly consider getting something lighter instead, like Red Stripe or Rolling Rock. But that feels like a bummer, because you LOVE your IPA taste. Damnit, why can't any anyone figure out how to make a good-tasting IPA without the precariously high alcohol content? 

And then, like a glowing treasure, you see it:


Yes. This. I'm in. 

All Day IPA. Simple. Clear. Direct. The problem it’s addressing (not being able to drink IPAs all day) is instantly solved by its messaging. And consumers have appreciated this clarity; Founders All Day IPA was the #2 selling IPA in 2020, just behind Lagunitas.

Now, let’s take a look at two other beers in the fridge that have a more…complex message.


Okay, so it’s a tree but it’s angry? Is it a cider like Angry Orchard? Wait, it says IPA. That’s confusing. And it rambles? How does a beer ramble? Do they mean “bramble”? And 106 calories? Is that good or bad? Or wait, does that say 706???

There’s so much going on here, your eye doesn’t even know where to begin.

Pass! Onto the next one:


Let’s see… “Summer Love.” Dig that name. But wait, what will it taste like? Is that hot sauce on the label? And ice cream? Does it taste like spicy ice cream?

Even a split second of hesitation is distraction you can't afford to have happen in market.

Here are a few reactions we got when we tested the vibe out for this concept: 

“I think it'll work. There are other brands out there for summer, but it needs to have something in the flavor that sets it apart.” 

“I like the Summer part, but I’m not sure what this is going to even taste like? I would only try if someone told me it’s good.” 

“Wait, is this made with ice cream?”  

Moral of this story: 

When a brand feels alluring, we do not choose it. It chooses us. 

Creating an alluring vibe that cuts straight to the heart of what your customer really wants doesn't start with clever copy or beautiful branding. It starts with a clear message.  

Ask yourself not what my product does, but what it does for my ideal customer.


It’s easier than you might think. We’ve seen how changing one word can turn distraction into wild attraction. When you have passion for an idea it's easy to develop blinders and miss the little fixes that could make all the difference. If you want a fresh look at your concept, we know what to look for!  



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